Want to become Turok of years gone by...? Well i am sorry your in the wrong game...

User Rating: 6.5 | Turok: Evolution XBOX
Turok where did it all go wrong? Great games on the N64 that where fun and differant that had you being a kickass guy who had a weapon that would bore into people heads and make there brains explode...Which if i am to be honest would be cool to see more of in games today....

I mean just think about it your playing a game of gold and along comes this chap called Turok with a strange looking weapon and the next thing you know your guys on the floor with a big hole at the top of his head....Or you on a raid in a MMO and the end bose for the raid is Turok and no matter what tactic your party trys to do it always ends with all your guys on the floor wondering why there brains are on the floor...

Turok: Evolution on the other hand does not feel like a Turok game...I do not know what it is but it just seems to not work or feel the same as the past games which to be honest i enjoyed playing them alot.

But lets get to the meat and two veg of the game...Turok: Evolution follows Tal'Set, a Native American who is transported to the Lost Land while fighting Captain Tobias Bruckner of the United States Army...(Indeed a great idea) It seems that this game is set in the late 19th century, around the time of the Indian Wars. (again another great idea) During the fight the seer Tarkeen saves Tal'Set as he is the the legendary Son of Stone, known to them as Turok. After all that we get to what Turok is known for....Fighting the Sleg who are a lot like the dinosoids and Purr-Linn from the previous games.

Turok: Evolution first came out in August 26, 2002 on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, GBA and the PC.

For me Turok: Evolution is the first major pitfall and the first turok game that did not live up to the past ones or was not as fun as the past ones...It infact put me off playing any of the Turok games for some time and i have still to get over it. Its not a bad game as such its just not a good game either.