I am an expereinced gamer and got along just fine with this game.
As a first person shooter and a fps fan i found it highly enjoyable.
You start off as a caveman ?, with an axe and bow as your only weapons in a world with dinasoars etc. Than the game takes a turn without you really notacing. Giving you grenades, pistols than great big guns, than even bigger guns, than futhuristic guns. The graphics are nice and some lush scenery if the framrate is sloppy most of the time. But the shooting is good while not being spectacular making an enjoyable game, maybe its because of the setting and than the change of setting bringing you up to date making me stick till the end of this game where it sees you fighting a boss back in the caveman era ?. easy controlls, fun gameplay bar a few rough ideas here and there made this a good game to play.