As far as Turok games go, this one fall short of the greatness of the original games.
Evolution takes us back before the previous Turok games in the time of Tal'Set, a Native American. You and your arch enemy, Captain Bruckner, are pulled into the Lost World, a prehistoric world. From there, you must take down Captain Bruckner and ultimately Lord Tyrannus to save the Lost World. If you've played the other games, especially Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion, you know most of this story already. Now, you get to live it.
From the get-go, this game is distinctly Turok. You have a wide array of weapons and enemies with very good AI. The AI and the difficulty in some areas is the saving point for this game. The graphics are beautiful and really show of the GameCube's capabilities. Every area you are in is lush and green, and a lot of the environments are semi-destructible.
A new feature to this game is the pterodactyl flying areas where you ride the back of a pterodactyl and shoot at units in the air, water or ground. While more flight-sim than FPS, it does add something different to the series, even if it seems a little out-of-place.
My main pet-peeve with this game is the size of the areas. When playing Turok games, you expect the levels to be insanely huge with little to no breaking points. Maybe an occasional Warp Gate, but that's about it. In this game, they seem insanely small. To me, it felt like run into a room, kill 10 guys, run out of the room and wait for the next to load...which brings me to another point...
There were several times where the game "locked up" on me and all I could do was reset my GCN. Other times, it just took WAY too long to actually load the level. Whether that was the game itself or the fact that I bought it used, I don't know.
All in all, Turok: Evolution is a good game that (for the most part) remains true the Turok Universe. If you enjoyed the other games in the series, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one as well.