The newest game in a franchise that is slowly going downhill.
The combat in this game is your normal FPS with a bow, knife, and dinosaurs. Now with your knife equipped you can run up to raptors and soldiers and slice their throat or stab their chest which for a while can be fun. The gameplay is fairly easy tough because of your knife. Soldiers are best taken out with guns but if you're fighting 3-5 raptors at once, taking them out with your knife is no problem. Altough, finishing off a T-Rex with your knife never got old. One thing I did enjoy that they added was being able to shoot a flare from your shotgun and if it hit a soldier and there are dinosaurs around, then the dinosaurs will kill him for you. The problem with that is that the aiming in this game is horrific. There is no auto aim whatsoever and sometimes bullets will go through and enemy if you hit them on the outer lining of the arms, legs, head so it ruins the fun sometimes.
This game does tough have some pretty intense battles, or at least they are for the first 5 minutes of each one. In most cases, the fights are way too long and get boring after awhile. The fact that checkpoints are far apart doesn't help either.
It also seems that the developers just tried to stretch this game out as much as they could and it's still not even that long of a game. The long battles are a part of it as well as unneeded things that happen in the story that just seem out of place and boring.
So the single player isn't up to par but the multiplayer is a fun element. You have your basic multiplayer modes, team deathmatch, capture the flag, etc. but they added a twist. There are neutral dinosaurs and giant bugs that will attack anyone. Thus not only do you have to look out for other players but for the dinosaurs as well. Sometimes if a player is not paying attention, it can give away their location and sometimes save your life.
So this is yet another mediocre game in a franchise that hasn't yet found that spark to reignite the fire that they had with the N64. But, if you are looking for a game to hold you over for a couple weeks then this can do the job. I give Turok a 5 out of 10.