Dinos are cool, shame about the rest
1. Dinos are cool. Killing dinos in as gory a manner as possible is even cooler
2. Graphics: Liked the waving grass. Nice touch.
3. Knives -cutting dino's throats & stabbing guards in the back = cool
Things I didnt like:
1. Its so obviously a console port. At least pretend to be a PC game.
2. Dual wielding weapons system is clumsy and confusing. Hard to find the right weapons combo when youn need it.
3. Slade. Ugly as a hippo's anus and surly to boot. As far as travelling companions go he's the pits. Any chance we could port Alyx over from HL2?
4. Too many cutscenes. I was already totally underwhelmed by the storyline - I really didnt need to know any more. I just want to kill dinos, damnit!
5. Did I mention that its so obviously a console port?
6. Quicksave doesn't work, probably something to do with being a console port.