its got some decent moments, but its all put together in a shabby, maybe 2004 standard.
Dinos are a lot of fun though. although it doesn't take much skill, its still a lot of fun to watch Turok stab a dino on its head, or sling around its neck and slice it. unfortunately, the classic Turok items, the knife and bow, are the most fun; every other weapon is okay, but nothing special. they even made a flamethrower look uninteresting.
As far as story goes, the game is fine. its got a decent story and it is told sufficiently. sure, maybe it COULD have been fleshed out more, but it is still okay.
the game also lacks a lot of really simple things that EVERY shooter must have. for example, there is no indicator as to how many bullets you currently have in your clip before your have to reload (except in the pulse rifle). also, there is no run capability, wtf? and there is no radar to tell you where people are. I know that these things would be unrealistic in the jungle, but it still makes the gameplay really annoying. another thing, the sniper rifle only zooms in a tiny bit.
but still, with all that being said, Turok is not the worst game in the world. general features are missing, graphics are bad and gameplay gets repetitive, but dual wielding is fun, dinos are cool, and satisfying weapons and story make this game worth a try (maybe just a rental though).