Simply Amazing! This game really leaves you with a Satisfying feeling in the end from all the fast paced Action and Fun!
Story 10/10 - Simply amazing! I thought it had a very awesome story that the game unweaves all the way tell the end. Like so many games, that leaves you with a crummy ending, Turok manages to come away with both a Incredible ending and a really Satisfying feeling that comes over you, from 10 Hours of fast paced Enjoyment. Something I haven't felt since Doom 3!
Gameplay 10/10 - I never once, had any technical Problems with this game! I think the "Screen Tearing" was complete BS, and is not true at all, and it never once dropped in Framerate for me! This game played very smoothly on my 40gb PS3 with no problems what so ever! I thought the Game had some really cool fighting Mechanics, like the Knife kills, and I love how it gives you the option, most of the time, to be sneaky as possible, by taking everybody out with your Bow and Knife, without every letting your Presents be known! Simply put it, there is a lot you will miss both "fun and exploration" if you just run and gun! You really must take your time with this game if you want the full enjoyment!
Graphics 9/10 - Besides Unreal Tournament 3, this is probably the Second best game on the PS3, Graphically wise! The T-rex looks just as good as the animations in Jurassic Park! The Lushes green Environments look so alive, and I love the Graphic Textures of the Grass and how it moves with your movement! All the Weapons look really good and detailed, as well as all the Character models! It's great to see that Propaganda games took the extra time, to polish this game up! I love when Developers go that extra mile to make there games look as real as possible!
Difficulty 9/10 - I really love a Challenge and this game has it! I hate when you can run through a entire game and not be challenged at all, I think that's just pathetic! So if you whine and get upset every time you get killed, this game is definitely not for you! Also I don't understand the problem with the poor spaced checkpoints! I never had to redo anything that was to long, and I think the checkpoints where spaced apart just right! It makes you more careful and makes it more realistic, being cautious with your every move, instead of just running into a group of guys guns blazing! I think it's just a bunch of cry babies wanting a quick save every 10 seconds instead of a real Challenge! SAD
Multiplayer 8/10 - Probably the only part of the entire game Experience that lacks! It's really fun to play a Public game, and you can really get into some intense moments in a fight with your competition and Dinosaurs that roam around the Maps, the only problem with this I have is, it's so hard to every Find a game and or get it going because of people quitting out right away! So if you can get into a game you will probably have a awesome time, but unfortunately on the PS3, Turok is really not a Multiplayer game everybody is in to, which is sad because I think the Multiplayer is very Fun and very addicting!
Overall 9/10 - From the very beginning of the game tell the ending, this game will both keep you on the edge of your seat and very entertained! The Story and Gameplay is simply amazing, and it's almost like watching a Sci-Fi Movie! The game has some really memorable moments, awesome voice acting Cast, and some incredible Environments and Graphics! I highly recommend this game to anybody who has Patience, enjoys a good story out of a game, and loves to be really sneaky and silent! There's nothing cooler then taking out a entire base, without your enemies ever knowing what hit them! This is a MUST for any gamers collection, in my opinion, and shouldn't be missed because of some faulty reviews!