Great graphics, awesome dyno slaughterhouse, TERRIBLE checkpoints and some hard boss battles. Almost a sure winner.
The graphics on this game ROCK! The characters are well detailed and the machinery is awesome. The dinosaurs look great adn are very life-like and killing them is awesome! Often while you may like shooting from afar to be safe, stabbing a dinosaur through the head watching their blood spill out while they scream in aggony or breaking a baby dinosaurs neck or slashing the throad of another is probably the sweetest feature this game has to offer and should not be missed! But for the most part once youve done one finishing move they get old after a while so shooting them can just get it over with quickly.
Fighting the stupid human drones gets annoying as hell and they seem to spring out of nowhere and kill you pretty fast. If they were eliminated from the game it would be much more enjoyable to only have to face dinosaurs.
The checkpoints on this game are TERRIBLE! There are times where you will play forever and get very far and then a surprise death will cause you to have to replay the same sequence over and over and over again! That got very annoying and frustrating to me. Also, some of the boss battles were just ridiculous to have to play through, like the battle with the sea snake, which took me an hour and about 25 tries to try and beat, that too also got annoying after a while and my thumb was killing me afterwards.
Overall, the graphics, sound effects, weapons, finishing moves on the dinosaurs all made this a great game. However the terrible checkpoint placements and the tough boss battles and the human foes you have to fight brought the game down a bit. The game is overall enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone if you can manage to get over the checkpoint portion and stay well hidden during the long gunfighting battle sections.