Turok is one of the most in your face shooters I have ever played. I mean, the enemies are simply relentless...even the human ones. They just keep coming, and you have to be equally aggressive if you expect to survive. The best strategy I've implemented is to take out as many as possible silently and then come out with guns blazing. Speaking of guns blazing, I mean exactly that. The weapons all feel very powerful and are very fun to shoot. The rocket launcher in particular is exeptionally powerful. It's probably the coolest and most useful launcher I've seen in a game. It has a slide out glass targeting screen with a lock on feature, and when you lock on to an opponent, they're screwed! The rocket soars high into the air and comes down on them from above S.C.U.D. missile style, and the explosion is immense. However, one of the most unique gameplay elements in Turok are the knife kills. They make up the bulk of the stealth portion of the game, although they are also extremely useful in close quarters encounters when you need to make a quick kill. When you successfully execute a knife kill, the camera jumps back into a 3rd person view that shows Turok brutally and swiftly eliminate his foe. It feels very cold, deliberate, and visceral, and it is very well done indeed. The environmental effects are great, and the physics are awesome. You can literally "dirt roll" a raptor if you catch it at a run with the sniper rifle. The graphics are beautiful and have a very organic feel to them, which is true to the game's setting. The multiplayer modes are extremely fun, and would be more so if more people would start playing online. The fact that there are rarely enough people online to have a full room is a testament to how badly the critics have underrated this game. It's irritating to have such good multiplayer on a game and it be hard to find a match because most people don't even give it a chance after reading the reviews. Anyway, moving on. The campaign is equally impressive, with a great story and huge boss battles. Bottom line Turok is an amazing game all around and I highly recommend it to shooter fans.
By soundofspeet | Review Date: Feb 05, 2008 | X360
((EDITORIAL NOTE: I rated the game 7.5, but I went back and played more multiplayer, and I decided I STILL haven't given the game a fair shake, so I'm bumping the rating up to 8.5.)) Anyone who has seen me in the foru... Read Full Review
Remember Turok: Evolution? No you don't, because it was bad. How do you follow up a bad game? Do you make improvements on the formula? Of course not, you rip off other shooters. Okay, you remember how Turok 2 had gun... Read Full Review