A good game, but with flaws.

User Rating: 7.5 | Turok PC
The Turok series was always about dinosaurs, and alot of gore, well, this version doesn't disappoint, but does do a couple things differently then the last games.

Gameplay - The game was always about a hunter known as Turok and his adventure in the jungle, well this shifts plot lines onto a different planet, and has no relation to the previous installments, instead you play as Joseph Turok, a former Wolfpack Member, the games intro does a good job of introducing all the characters, but for the most part, the characters are in ways, like The Delta Squad from Gears. The game has a big emphasis on survival in the natural environment, you get a knife at the beginning of the game, this is probably the only sense of "survival" in the natural environment, cause for the most part, there are a lot of guns in the environment, with lots of ammo around, so this is mainly an action packed, Hollywood style sort of movie, one fun thing to do in the game is to do the knife stealth kills, which are just as satisfying as using the chainsaw in Gears, but sometimes, just not as bloody, Shooting is serviceable, nothing annoying, but it just doesn't feel as satisfying as knife kills.

Graphics - The graphics are in ways great, but on the pc, its a real system hog, 18 gigabytes is a lot of space for one game, but if you have the space, and the hardware, you will get a great looking game, Lighting can be great, but a little bright, Textures are good, but can get blurry in spots, and the frame rate holds up considerably well, but as I said before, it requires lots of space to even play, but then again, every unreal 3 engine game always is a system hog.

Sound - Knife kills sound great, weapons sometimes sound appropriate, but as I said before, they are not very impactful, and for the ones that sound very good, just don't have the power that there sound addresses. The voice acting can sound to over macho, but it does do very well for its own good.

Value - The multiplayer is great fun, the Dinosaurs add an extra level of strategy, and if you have a 16 player match going on, it can be very fun, especially with the knife fights in the game, my personal favorite weapon set is knives only because it can get very hectic, but sometimes frustrating because you can miss a lot, but you will laugh a lot when you do so.

This game is definitely worth a purchase if you want to try an action packed game with a decent multiplayer component, the singleplayer can be good at times, but sometimes a little repetitive, but if you have enough for a multiplayer game, LAN party perhaps, then this should keep you occupied for a good 2 months.