Dino's, Big guns, lush envierments, a guy with a mohock what more could you want? This is a fun game just to be fun.

User Rating: 8 | Turok X360
Turok yes Turok, for all you retro gamers out there you remember the dino's the guns and time dimentional travel. Well this old game got a well deserved pick me up and make over. Turok was pushed into the next-gen world. Better graphics and environments fill the screen with color. The story on the other hand is not one that fans of the game can fully relate to, for insted of all that dimensional stuff Turok took a nice si-fi rout. you are Turok a new meber of the wisky companie your mission is to fined vain a member of an old milatery group called Wolf pack were Turok formanly was stationed. you imbark to the planet Vain should be on and well you crash land go figure. As you move clsoer to vain Turok starts to get flash backs from his past that revile the story.
Story mode is ok and fun, but playing it in co-op is just plain a nusance with the split screen and the to diffrent map views you can easly get confused or disoranted. Now it's not so bad that you souldn't try it but keep thoughs facts in mined. The story mode is simple to run through jungal factorys and a entier eco-system killing humans and Dinosors. The closer to your goal the more enemys. What realy made a ray of light though was the on-line play ya I know it's not hoast but fineds match's like Halo and also the same game variont's like CFT and death match. The real fun though is that maps are layed out nicely and are very interactive with consals and terminals you can activate to change the game around. Also Turok on-line has somthing other on-line FPS maps don''t have AI dinos and realy big bugs roam each map making it more chlanging but fun at the same time nothing says fun like trying to snipe on second and beeing mouled by a volosal-raptor the next. Out of it all it is just a fun game to play with firends you will be having fun and exiting mulity player matches that will go on for houers, so if you are looking for some fun or just want a multyplayer FPS that is not Halo or call of duty than I strongly sugest Turok.

PS. sorry for any spelling erors not my strong sute, but revies and games are and sorry again for the spelling errors.