the developer/publisher failed to build up hype and excitement by missing important deadlines on all platforms

User Rating: 6 | Turok PC
Too bad this PC version of the game was not released at the same time (2/5/08) with XBOX and PS3 versions. I guess, publishers don't realize how much they lose by not having their stuff ready by the release date as promised. Usually PC users get screwed by that "one-game-fits-all-platforms" idea. Anyways, coming out almost 3 months after its XBOX and PS3 counterparts, the PC version is anything but hot, and worse that even after the delays the PC version still feels like a something that should be a console game only.

Good stuff:
- neat dinosaurs and other critters you need to kill, and ... well, that's about it on the positive side

Bad stuff:
- expected much more from Unreal 3 engine, but the graphics are only mediocre even on the highest settings. For some reason I wished for Crytek engine from Far Cry to render Turok's foliage and scenery. Anyways, a bit disappointing usage of Unreal 3
- two install DVDs and have a huge hard disk footprint (15 GB+) compared to much longer games and most of them fit on one DVD -- not sure where the developers wasted the release date postponement time since this looks totally unoptimized (a very similar development lameness to Midways's Blacksite and Stranglehold games)
- human opponents' AI is a great example of how the excessive inbreeding has detrimental effect on offsprings' intelligence ... or maybe the FPS part is simply not well done or not exciting enough
- another developer who forces you to install AGEIA PhysX software regardless of whether you have the card or not

Overall, this is not a bad FPS game ... it's more bland and uninspiring than bad or great. Underdeveloped story, a rather minimalistic set of FPS moves with no "take cover" system and no "iron sights" instead of a fake zoom, a huge hard disk footprint, and mediocre presentation renders this game as "play when bored or when nothing new is available". The developer/publisher failed to build up hype and excitement by missing important deadlines on all platforms, but especially on the PC. Still this game has some cool animals and may appeal to some or many. It could prove that the multiplayer is more fun that the rest of it. Anyways, waiting a few more months for the price drop is probably not a bad idea.

Score: 5.9/10