wow this game really brought me to tears.

User Rating: 1.5 | Turok X360
wow this game really brought me to gonna make this game short and sweet. for all you who have it and enjoy it god bless you for your sense of ill play anything because i don't care just so im occupied because when i don't play i talk to my dad, and when i talk to my dad he drinks, and when he drinks he hits me. but for you who don't have it and want to get it. DON'T. so boring, so difficult, and unless your a fan of the land before time i reccomend halo 3 if you like fighting monsters on other planets. yes ok i know, i have been brutal, ill tell you what, this game is alright, but the older ones were better,. but this one is soooo different because in this game your supposovly a space marine bad boy and it goes away from the feeling of the other games, you know? anyways please dont hate but if u must then go right ahead. thanks for using the time to read this. thanks