Fun shootouts and great multiplayer makes Turok a worthwhile play for any shooter fan.

User Rating: 8 | Turok X360
More than a year ago, Turok was announced for next-gen consoles and there's been loads of hype ever since, but it turns out that Turok doesn't quite live up to it. You are Joseph Turok, part of a special forces team that crash lands on a mysterious planet inhabited by dinosaurs and other creatures. Your mission is to find and aprehend a war criminal named Roland Kane, but it turns out to be much more complicated than you'd think. Throughout the game you'll encounter a lot of Kane's soldiers and also dinosaurs (including a T-Rex) and giant insects. An awesome gameplay mechanic that has been added to the game allows you to initiate gruesome finishing moves with your knife, and also fend off close-quarters dinosaur attacks by pressing buttons rapidly. Turok's multiplayer is surprisingly good, featuring free-for-all, team deathmatch and co-op playlists, and it's much more smooth, solid, and overall well-rounded than many other games like TimeShift. The problem with the game is that sometimes you will experience design faults such as textureless environments and it doesn't exactly provide the experience you'd expect.

Overall, there's much room for improvement with the game, but any shooter fan (or fan of previous Turok games) will find Turok a solid, playable dinosaur-slaughtering adventure.