I wish they would have spent some more time on this before they released it - some game elements are too roughly done.
Here are some PRO'S:
The story line is good. I haven't finished the game but so far I pleased with the story behind the game.
The weapons in the game are pretty cool even though they can be hard to aim some times.
Here are some CON'S:
The Graphics: The graphics are at best, average. I have owned many PS3 games and many of them have had smother graphics than this game. Many of the things have rough edges and come out not looking that smooth at all. I could understand the poor quality if the game was being played on a PS2 or an old Xbox - but come on, this is for a PS3. Just not impressive at all.
Firing the Guns: I have been playing first person shooters for years now. The aiming for weapons in the game is very touchy. When you go to shoot someone or a dinosaur the cross hairs for the weapon are 1) very simple and plain and 2) very hard to move - with accuracy - to the object being shot at. I complain about this because of all the awesome first person shooters (Resistance, Half Life 2, Call of Duty 4) that have come out for the PS3 - all of which have really good weapon accuracy and firing ability. By the mere fact that the ability to hit objects is effected by the poor design of how the weapons fire, along with the average graphics, is enough for me to justify taking this to Game Stop and selling this towards a different game.
Rent this game before you buy it.