good but not perfect !!!!!!
A game can have a feature list as long as your arm and still not have the satisfying bite to it in the weapons, AI, interactivity with the environment or in a myriad other places.
That said, Turok doesn't nail it perfectly either. The save system is frustrating. I think the blood fountains on the dinos is excessive. Another drawback that just didn't have to be was the language. The mild language in some shooters not withstanding, I wish I could play this game with my kids, but when they're in the room I have to put the headphones on, which really doesn't help the story along anyway, it's just another road block to being a really great game. Another flaw is the lack of multiplayer splitscreen, system-link or co-op. I think developers these days have less and less excuses for having a robust multiplayer package included. This is an area I think Propaganda really cut-corners with, only doing XBox Live. In our house we love playing two-on-two matches through system-link, but alas, Turok is one player only since we don't have XBL.
However what Turok did really well with, and should have considering the franchise, is the bow, the knife and quiet kills. Additionally the third person kills and cinematics and storytelling do the game justice. These all fall in the area making Turok fun despite it's flaws.
It's funny how getting something as vague as "the right feel for a shooter" can help overcome a thousand blemishes, but that in a nutshell is what I think Turok does.
Turok is a turn in the right direction, if with a few detours along the way. Maybe Propaganda needs a GPS to stay on the straight path.