An awsome FPS game that had the potential of being a classic game. Fun dino killing only lasts for so long.

User Rating: 8.5 | Turok X360
Turok had the overall potential to beat halo 3 and Call of Duty 4, but didnt quite make the mark. The dino animation killing was thrilling for the first few chapters of the game but as you continue the story line it gets tedious. You might get stuck on many parts of the campaign if you are new to FPS games. Your allies dont seem to be much help on some levels and the enemie humans seem a bit too overpowered towards the end of the game. And at some parts the dinos can get overwelming but its a blast killing them all. The boss fights keep your heart beating fast, and the storyline is very mysterious. The campaign is relativly hard but fun. And the online mutilpayer could be fun on end for you and your friends. Even though ive been finding achievement games more often now. An overall great FPS but if your looking for a game that has more depth in its mutiplayer, then go for COD4. My score 8.5 :)