Standard FPS but with 2 reasons that made it more... Knife and Bow!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Turok (Steelbook Edition) PS3
Okay well first of all this isn't the best FPS out there especially with games like COD4 and Bioshock out there but I got it on trade in and it was way better than F1 (the game I traded)...

So before I get going I have to admit i never played the original Turok so I had nothing to compare it to. And I think that was a good think in my case. Sometimes you play the original and the remake or the sequel just doesn't live up to your expectations.

as I said it is a pretty average FPS in the game play and graphics department as i feel they could have done so much better. especially with the story as it leave you hanging and wondering what the point actually is... they should have gone into more detail overall as you sit at the end still not knowing a g**damn thing about why Turok left Wolfpack.... well and just about everything else is also left to you imagination...

The "Boss" fight are just F******* difficult at first until you actually realize what to do. But what makes it more frustrating as there is at no point any hints or indication on what that "secret" is... So you basically keep trying....and keep dying... until you figure it out. But then at times you start way back which means you have to fight your way to the boss AGAIN just to be taken out by 40 troops before you get there... then when you get there die again and redo the whole F***** piece over.

But as I said once you know how and you get the hang of things it won't be that hard.

One thing... well actually two things that actually saved the game (for me rating it a lower) was the knife and the bow... It was fun to play with them and made me feel all native and S*** but what would have been really cool is giving you cover option like in Vegas... Give you the chance to be a little more stealthy... But still it works out okay.

This is by no means the greatest game out there but I think if you can get yourself to play it a second time it might be a lot more fun than the first time round. might not have the replay value for most people but i will play it again just to do it "right" and really have a go at everything knowing exactly what to do.

(Oh btw that is another thing the AI is all programmed a certain way so it will most like happen in exactly the same way so you can go the trial and error route without having to worry to much about the AI doing things in a different way. even thou at stages the AI seemed pretty tricky as they found their way around you in the weirdest ways)

Turok could have been so much more and I could see the potential in it... Why they didn't DO it I don't know. Can't help but think what it would have been like if Activision (COD4) or Capcom(Dino Crisis...I think) had to do this title..... It could have been GOTY material.... But sadly it's not.

Rent it first if you are full of s*** and harsh on rating games.... Otherwise trade it for something like I did. It was worth that for me.