It's TUROK the dinosaur hunter. but the question is it good well if you want your mates to play co-op then no. check out
Strangley the men are harder enemys than the dinosaurs except that damn T-Rex. the raptors are very famous in the game such as scorpions aka Soldier bugs are later on in the cave
But don't be fooled if you thought it was perfect. the Multiplayer means no co-op or battles against your mates at your house unless they have live meaning if you dont have live it's strictly Single player but single isn't too bad
overall it's a 9.5 it's good but not good as Halo 3. It's dosen't match up to Halo it is just not that good but has plenty more substance but if you have got Halo 3 you should still buy it if you want different enemies
ayecaramba PEACE:)