Hmmm, not bad at all...
Graphics aren't that bad, I wouldn't say it's breath taking, but it's not poor. The speed is okay, I wish they had like a jog or run button which probably would of gave a better score. I sometimes think the voices on the game could of been better, but you start to ignore it once the action takes place.
Weapons: Bow and Arrow simply hands down, It freakin' rocks. The other guns are pretty cool, but having the classic arrow in hands looks cool. Same thing goes for the knife.
Sound: It's fair, I think they did a okay job on this department. Probably could of done better.
Gameplay: So far it's pretty fun, I haven't gone that fair in the game because I'm always at work or busy playing something else, but this game is great so far.
is it worth the 60 dollar price tag? I don't think so, but if you could find a good deal for 40 -45 bucks, for sure it's a buy. I'm lucky I got mine on Ebay for that price.
Overall: Not an bad game, I'm a huge Turok fan, so I guess you could say that I'm pleased to play it.
One thing I really hate is the in game saving it's almost like you have to reach the check point in order to save. Kinda sucks when you want to go somewhere or just want to do a quick save, but thats the only thing I hate about it.
I haven't tried out the online mode yet, just wanted to let you know.