Am I the only one that feels I was deceived by the game cover stating co-op play? ???
Another gripe I have is the ridiculous save feature. The games save points make absolutely no sense at times. I experienced levels where I experienced no conflict. A great example comes when you finish the stand-off after holding your ground while troops drop from helicopters. After you complete the stand-off there is a save. You move to an area that opens up after getting the heck knocked out of you by 2 raptors in the brush. ( I have to admit, this was one of my favorite experiences of the are done with the battle and expecting down time....very nice.) I digress. From that point you get 2 saves just for walking for 30 seconds. What? Huh? Thank God for those 2 saves or I would have been able to complete the game. :-P
I guess it is the developers way to extend game play hours.....Wow! Thanks for the frustration, I am sure to purchase the next title release......