Every game has its Pros and Cons...I was surprised at this one's downside.
I get it home, tear open the impossible plastic - after ten minutes of messing with it, am I right? - and immediately put it in the console. My first reaction was a simple, "Wow." I remember, as I'm sure most of you do, the orriginal turok. I rememebr the cerebral bore, the bow, the guns, the dinos. Just to bring ya'll up to speed on the series, the orriginal was Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. And it had a story, but who cared? Big deal, some mystic, something about dinosaurs, I GET TO KILL THEM?! That's what got everybody excited. Now Turok 2: Seeds of Evil was pretty good, not as good as the first one, even though it got a higher review here on Gamespot.
Both of those came out on the N64, There were four other Turok games that released, none of which I care about enough to list the titles. however, these spin-offs all hit the Game Boy, and one of them also ran on the 64. Obviously meaning they weren't as good as either of the numbered in the series.
Now on to the most current revision; this one has the dinos, it has a nice spin on the old story, but of course has its flaws as well. Now as for the Story mode itself, the single player part, I say it couldn't have been any better! The encounters with a T-Rex, the baby Raptors - you kill them by picking them up and sliting their throat, how cool - the explosive arrows, the fairly intelligent AI. If there's something to be added, I can't imagine what it is. I'd go into more detail, but I don't want to spoil anything for those of you that haven't played it yet.
Every game has its Pros and Cons...I was surprised at this one's downside. The Co-op mode for the campaign is online only! So if that's the whole reason you want this, then it's not worth it. There's also no console based multiplayer, which is a little dissapointing as well.
Are the Cons enough to give this game the boot? Absolutely not, Turok for the 360 really brings back the franchise. As soon as I head about this one, I had high hopes, and it clears almost all the obstacles I put in front of it. So in short, I say buy this one, and drool the whole way home!