While the game looks great, it falls flat in just about every other area.
Gameplay 5- Turok is your typical run and gun shooter with some tactics inserted. You can turn enemies against each other in various ways through distractions and making noise, throwing grenades is a good way to draw the raptors away. Cover is usually available and the humanoid enemies are going to make as much use of it as you are. However after a while of playing, the game's many cracks start to show.
1. Your AI partner does almost absolutely nothing unless he is attacked directly, you could be being swarmed by raptors and he will just stand there. Convenient pitfalls are placed so that you and said partner get separated and he tells you almost every time "I will meet you at such and such place."
2. The dino AI is smart, yes, but how it was implemented could use some work. Also the difficulty is madly inconsistent: raptors and the natives are battling it out, the raptors win, and suddenly you have a whole pack on your tail which pretty much means game over, this leads up to the next point.
3. Checkpoints are very few and far between, this combined with the difficulty fluctuations means you can easily get stuck on a segment of a level and keep having to repeat it over and over till you finally get lucky and make it to the next checkpoint, or give up and play some other game.
4. Ammo is also a scarcity for what the game throws at you. There were several times I ran out of bullets and hoped i could defend myself with a hunting knife, which, in most cases, you cant.
5. I like how the dinos hunt you and you have to be constantly looking over your shoulder, but all the crazy moving camera crap that goes along with being mauled could have been done without. Im one of those types who gets motion sick from rapid camera antics.
6. The story.... wait, what story?
Graphics 8- Obviously any game that makes solid use of the Unreal 3 Engine is going to look good. The environments are lush and full of detail. So are the dinos. There are also many intense blood splatter moments.
Sound 6- Jurassic Park, with guns and without the theme song.
Replay Value 4- One of those games you will probably only play once.
Fun Factor 5- Since its such a chore just to make it to the next checkpoint, there were not very many moments of enjoyment to be had.
Final Score- 28/50