Turok the way you never imagined.
The story is about an American native named Turok, the character you'll be controling, he was once part of a black-ops group named Wolfpack, but then he deserted the team, probably because he didn't like the way business was dealt with in Wolfpack. Guess what? Now you've been recruited by the military for a special operation: you're to help and destroy the Wolfpack team, which are now working with a rogue branch of soldiers. The mission becomes quite harder when you're spacecraft (the missionm is to take place in another planet, one going through terra-forming) is shot down by the enemy scattering your crew all around, soon you find yourself lost and unnarmed in a jungle, and then you find out that the terra-forming has been accelerated and we have dinossaurs running up and down. Your objective is now clear, regroup with survivors and get the hell out of the planet. Of course nothing is that easy...
For weapons you'll have plenty of the usual stuff: sub-machineguns, plasma rifles, shotguns, etc You can carry only two of those at a time, but you'll always be carrying (after you aquire them of course) a knife and a bow; the bow acts like a silent sniper in most cases, and the knife allows you to kill quickly and silently, when you near the enemy Turok will raise the knife and then you press the trigger so he kills the enemy with a rambo-like killing stab. The knife is also wonderful for killing dinossaurs, they are fst and you'll seldom be able to hit them with any weapon, the knife however will allow you to act quickly and deadly, a single press and the dino is down for good (bigger dinos, as well as some stronger soldiers cannot be killed with the knife).
Enemies can be resumed in three categories: humans, insects and dinossaurs. Humans are the rogue soldiers, they have heavy-armor and are hard to bring down, insects are either flying bugs that spit acid or giant scorpions, they are a pain in the neck and mean trouble. Dinos: they are the real fun, you'll see harmless dinossaurs and velociraptors and T-Rex's, interesting fact: they don't target YOU, they target EVERY MEAT around, that means your enemy will be fending off the dinossaurs at the same time they'll be fighting you, and the same goes for you ( you can try and trick the dinos into hunting down your enemies, just keep in mind they'll hunt YOU once there's no more meat around...) some dinossaurs will even attack each other (herbivores being attacked by raptors for instance). When attacked by giant scorpions or most dinos there's the "mauling", at times, which means they leap on you and they'll try and kill you in a single attack, while you try and kick them away by means of buttom mashing (like in God of War and Clive Barker's Jericho), if you're succesful Turok may simply kick the beast away or even get into a berseker fury and complement the sequence with an extremely savage ending move. For bosses you'll have the T-Rex, the leader of Wolfpack (it's a cinematographic, buttom-mashing, battlke that I swear to you, should go to the history of videogames, it is SUPERB) and a giant sea creature, all are very fun to fight. Also there's a high-suspense mood since most of the time you'll HEAR the dinossaur and see the plants moving, but you won't get a good view of what is happening untill it's too late. Scenarios are pretty much open and huge, allowing you a few different paths and also getting you lost at times if you don't pay attention; wildlife is plenty. This also means that you might want to sneak behind and stab your enemies quietly or even, go right up and shoot them just like any other fps.
There are no good saves though, it goes through checkpoints and sometimes you'll have to retrace a long way just beacause you died in the end of a sequence, which IS aggravating, however the game is just too good for that to get in the way.
Graphics are very good, but you'll feel some problem with the way the characters look, it's as if they're constantly illuminated by very strong spotlight, taking away some of the realism. Turok now looks a lot like one of the Gears of War characters, he has a sort of plate-armor and he's monster of muscles. the game uses Unreal Engine, so you have an idea that it's pretty good. The glitches are few and easily forgivable.
Gameplay is remarkable, so is character and scenario design. The soundtrack looks like right out of theaters.
Turok is a must have for any fan of FPS, and anyone who doesn't like FPSs should try it out as a rent at least, since the pace it gives is so cinematographic.