Avoid this game like the Plague, Get the superior N64 Version.
Platforms this game is available on: XBox 360, PS3
Platform that this game is being reviewed on: PS3
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Developer: Propaganda Games
Genre: FPS/Sci-Fi
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Curve: 30 Minutes
Number of Players: 1
Online Players: 16
Online Modes: Competitive/Cooperative
Offline Modes: Cooperative/Competitive
Release Date: 02/08/2008
ESRB Rating: M
ESRB Description: Blood/Violence/ Language
Score: 1 out of 5
Game Price
Price Used: $48.95 (www.estandland.com)
Price New: $59.99 (www.ebgames.com)
Is there a Game Guide Book Available: Yes
Price Used: $10.26 (www.amazon.com)
Price New: $16.99 (www.ebgames.com)
Anything Else That is exclusive for this game: No
Price Used:
Price New:
It's been over 10 years since the original so of course it's time for a remake of one of the greatest N64 games ever. That's right it's time to remake Turok. Now your wondering how did the remake compare to the masterpiece of the original? in one word it can be summed up to. Failure The game has a rushed feeling to it. and the controls don't work out the way you hoped they would. I played this on the PS3 and I was barley able to play it. Not based on it being hard but how the crappy controller layout was. I kept pushing R1 to shoot when in fact it was the secondary fire button. I mean who the hell puts the secondary fire on R1? it's a bad layout when your used to games like COD 4 this totally just takes a Crap on the way the control should be. Other issues are even on the easiest mode it seems the game is too hard. I like to play it on Easy first to get a feel for the game. and it just seemed to be too hard for even being on Normal. When it's on the lowest setting it should be easy enough for someone to beat. But this did everything possible to make it impossible for someone who is new to game to beat. Another issue with me is that the levels seemned too dark. so I was really straining my eyes to see things and that's with my TV brightness turned up. There were times that the Enemies AI of both Dino's and Humans seemed to be a little dull than they would be really smart. it wasn't even at all. And if there is anything I love to see are Dino's walking into walls without doing anything. Plus I was hoping to have more fights with Dino's but it was against the same generic bad guys. The weapons were OK but with the controls being as crappy as they were it wasn't that fun. So over all this Remake turned out to be a major Failure I only hope that if they make a sequel it is better than this bomb.