If your thinking of buying this for single player, read my full review. *Single Player Review only
Well, heres my thoughts. The game has some great moments and some great positives, but it also has some negatives bigger than the T-Rex itself.
Positives: The graphics are superb. Dinosaurs look like they came right from Jurassic Park movies and they move really cool as well. This leads into my next positive... Fighting these beasts can be a real treat. The fights are visceral and bloody, with great sound and great effects.
Killing with the knife is also pretty cool, as the animations here look really good. The knife does have decent balance, you cant just walk right upto 2 enemies and knife kill them, you have to be sneaky or youll get shot while killing one.
The few boss fights are good, but again its the graphics and presentation that is good, not really the gameplay, which you have done several times in past games. Its also not really that fun, you just have to figure out what the developers want you to do to win, and theres not much choice. The games story is decent, and you probably will want to see it through to the end, but dont expect to care about anyone in the story (only exception i had was wanting to kill that guy Slade the entire game).
Now the negatives: enemy ai of the soldiers, while decent, has its share of bugs. Numerous times an enemy would stand still while i was shooting him, or i would kill one enemy, then another would take his place and do the exact same thing as the first, pop out and shoot the exact same way.
The guns are boring. I didnt like any of them. There was nothing that made them feel unique or cool, like in past Turok games. You can also beat almost the entire game with nothing but the pulse rifle and knife.
The game has horrible checkpoints, you get them when you dont need them and rarely get them when you really do.
The indoor and underground environments are boring, repetitive, and lame.
The flying "bugs" are annoying and were just seemingly out of place. The Giant scorpions were okay, but overused. Theres hundreds of dino species they could have put in the game, why did they go with insects and bugs? Theres just not enough of the T-Rex in the game and not enough dinosaur species.
The worst part of this game, is its actually pretty good and has great potential. It just misses the mark in key areas and will frustrate you beyond what you think possible. My suggestion is to do what i did, Rent it, beat it, (took me only 2 days, about 8 hours give or take) and dont look back.