If this game was any manlier - the disc would sprout a tache.
It's yet another FPS action shooter that builds up great atmosphere and a good enough story but is let down by the fact it does what other games do better. In fact the only clever thing Turok has done is released in February, after the FPS crush towards the end of 2007, as if it had been released then, it would have been murdered.
Joseph Turok is the character you play as, as your ship crashes onto a jungle-esque planet which looks pretty swish. Not as lush as Uncharted, but good enough. You soon come to find out there are dinosaurs inhabiting this planet and if you're not careful you wil be as brutally killed as if Turok was released November 07. Dinosaurs look excellent and their AI is pretty damn fine, as they will try and flank you from behind and hunt in packs. The blood is very spewy and nice and the dinos are fairly menacing and will scare the **** out of you in the darker cave levels.
You're on the trail of some rebel soldier which has taken base upon this planet and is threatening to strike against you or something, to be honest, the story isn't really the strongest part of the game and to be honest you won't particularly care. It follows a remote Aliens the movie type story, if you've ever seen, just not very well. Dialogue however is good but still very manly, containing a lot of cheesy one liners and griitiness.
Weaponary is very very ordinarily average, compared to the likes of Resistance, Halo and COD 4, the weapons are about as exciting as **** covered baby that you have to change. Also, the game constantly tells you to cover, in this case, stand directly behind a wall, you can not peek out from cover or anything as "advanced" as that found in Gear of War and Uncharted.
The only truly satisfiying part of combat is the knifing, stabbing those dinos in the back of the head or across the throat, it all looks pretty awesome, and is a lot more exciting than the guns.
The game is very short, criminally so and the slap-dash sprinkling of checkpoints is an utter pain in the arse and doesn't justify the price tag. Online multiplayer is pretty dull too limited to death match and this dino-hunting mode which is a little interesting but still less so than a scabby toe nail.
Overall, Turok is an alright game, it just feels a bit naff compared to heavyweights of FPS, and unfortunately that is what its going to get compared to. It knicks ideas from all over the place and executes them averagely and non-astoundingly, and the trooper enemies are the laziest case of generic character design I have ever witnessed. However, Turok is fun, and is worth a rent or even a bargain buy, I just would feel urged to buy it at £49.99.