Let's see, a bow and a couple of arrows, some distracted dinosaurs, a need to kill mostly distracted dinosaurs...
Remember when lighting was the issue, or how about when the issues were alternately not enough weapons, then too many weapons, back to not enough weapons and so on.
Well, this is one of those games, more so because it's a competent game, and it has a nice degree of polish that is becoming more common (must be built into the program they use to come up with these things).
YAYS!!! include": Great Graphics (UT tech was put use nicely), mostly great weapons, with the exception of some of the targeting bits, and a pulse rifle that is really overpowered when you face human enemies or seemingly underpowered when you face off against dinos (This is the perfect example of what I mean when we expect certain things based on other games; I don't know about you folk, but I've never even seen a real pulse rifle and I still expect it to be like, you know, something Halo-ish or Aliens-ish). The AI is also very intelligent, yes, it's true (At least when compared to my neighbor's dog, who charges blindly and while not bright, he makes up for it with lot's of teeth, intent to use them, and speed). The human opponents do their flank thing and for the most part when I have perished under their fire, it's because I was playing just like the AI that I complain is too easy to kill. The Dino opponents are much, much simpler to describe; they are fast, sharp, and so absolutely hard to stop when close up, that you need to have your knife drawn in order to ensure that you will survive any suspected close encounters. The Bow on the other hand manages to steal the show. Get into enough firefights, and you can easily turn the tables with the bow. Just wait until you get the explosive tips, you will rock everyone's world!!!
NAYS!!! The Knife. Simply put, the knife is so powerful, that IF (and it's a T-Rex sized if), you only faced off against small dinos; you would use it all the time and you would become bored. But you don't, you can't, and I have a lot of respect for those that charge the T-Rex , armed and aware of you, humans or any other of the bigger dinos with a knife. It won't work. Ever.
The save progress thing (auto save), it's kind of a issue if you fail in your current level because you have start at the last checkpoint, but is it a big deal? Nah.
All, in all, the game is very solid, and has some of the best environment's out there for this generation of consoles. I
Suggestion: Rent it, and allow yourself to not get frustrated because it's not like every other game. It's as original as it needs to be.