A Great Rebirth for a Classic Comic Hero. Wonderful Graphics, Sounds and Animation. Although Checkpoints...are few...

User Rating: 6.5 | Turok (Steelbook Edition) PS3
Well being a fan of comics and although not a fan of Turok's. I watched/read previews of this game and had to get it asap. I enjoyed all aspects of the game except for a few. ONE was Major enough to lose my interest.

THE SUM UP: Okay, your a space marine, who can kick some major butt. From using a aresnal of weapons. Knives, bows, machine guns to plasma/ energy weapons. Nothing you find, you cant kill. Enemy AI does a fair job of giving you a run for you money in the Single. And with Multiplayer (when you get enough ppl online) is a romp of fun. But there are other more popular titles atm, which excel at delivering better multi experiences.

So its Main catch to this game is the Dino's of course. And the game puts them both in single and multi. They add a great advantage and disadvantage to your gaming pleasure. You can also use 'stealth' in this game, although they game doesnt actually give you any indication when your 'out of sight' to enemies. And the Major Hiccup of this game for MYSELF was the checkpoints/saves in the single player. They are often too far apart to keep the gameplay moving smoothly. I admit we all cant play a game through once without dying...but having checkpoints/saves in enough areas does give me a feel of 'progress' in the game, rather than knowing if i die in this section/area im gonna have to start all over again.

Graphics: Bottom line.....Great looking. No doubt. From the foliage, dinos, machines, to skin mapping. The attention to detail and feel of the game is impressive. And the animations you do when you use your knife to kill, is very cool indeed. It perhaps makes you want to use the knife more, just to see the animation kills.

Sound: I found that the machine guns lacked a bit of punch in the sound range for me. The Explosives couldve been upped as well, but im also using a 5.1 surround sound so its possible that i needed to up my settings...but i never did since other games give me great quality already. On the plus side, the envionment sounds, from rustling underbrush, running feet, and AI communications, all added the Feel of being in the game.

Gameplay: I enjoyed my Experience with both Single and Mulitplayer respectively. The AI for the Dino's i felt was exceptionally well done. For example, there are Dosile Dinos just feeding around, and if you leave them alone, they leave you alone. Well the Enemy while trying to shoot me...hits one of the dosile dinos, well both Dinos started a rampage of chasing and killing the Enemy. Which was kinda cool, i didnt think they would 'see' me as NOT being of the the enemies. So even when they killed off the Enemy, they left me alone. Nice.
Levels are pretty straight forward, and having both indoor and outdoor envornments definatlley is a plus. The Stealth is good to use, espically with knife kills, but the lack of knowing if your 'spotted' or not is really a guess and check.
Mulitplayer is good, but the lack of players and LAG i have due to me living in Australia, puts me at a disadvantage. And I found that I have a better time with other online multi shooters than this one.

Replayability: Now I love my game to add more to themselves than just a one over. My biggest gripe, Saves/checkpoints. The lack there of. Beating this game once is enough IMO. It becomes frustrating when you know that once you get to a area, save, then continue you KNOW I better NOT DIE. The game is scripted as well, so if you do die, and start over, youll know the layout of the game, where ambushes are, where to hide, etc. This loses a bit of the fun outta the game. Especially when you die, only to come back to the area of your death to know, the next door was a checkpoint. Frustrating. The Replay of the single is a one off for me.
Multi on the other hand has a few maps to play, and they have Dinos running along the map as well, so using flares, and or meat shields works wonders. but as mentioned above, i dont think youll find alot of popularity with this game due to the single player exp.

Closing: Great Dino's, Guns, Graphics and a not to shabby Multiplayer, when you have enough players and No LAG (i live in Australia and get lag on US Severs). The lack of saves/checkpoints will drive some players else where. Shame.