Totally different from the other Turok games but still great.

User Rating: 8.5 | Turok PC
If you like to wander in the jungle, following a linear path, passing by beautiful landscapes and wonderful sceneries, climbing in huge trees, exploring caves, killing a lot of hungry dinosaurs and angry soldiers, and you don't like puzzles too much... You'll give this game a 10/10.

I like to explore and solve puzzles, that's why I gave 8.5 instead of a 10. The difference between this one and Seeds Of Evil, for example, is the way maps are organized. In the first Turok games, you had to complete levels by finding keys & puzzle parts. In Turok "4", there's no more master teleport & puzzles, you follow the story and you walk the maps one by one with no possibilities to turn back as in the other Turok games.

Everything else: Sounds, Music, Graphics, Scenery, Guns, Dinosaurs, Insects, Enemies, Animations, Story... are perfect for me. Maps in jungle are so nice... but very linear... So judge by yourself. Some will love it, others will totally hate it.

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