Dont let the bad reviews fool you, Turok is a solid game, and fun all the way through.

User Rating: 8.5 | Turok PC
This is one of those times that I would like to have not read the reviews before I played the game. I have to say, I have no idea what game some of the reviewers were playing, but I thought Turok was an absolute blast to play.

Graphics – Ok, so they weren't cutting edge off the charts graphics, but come on, is this all people are looking for in a game!? The environments were expansive, and the foliage was fantastic…whoever did the grass in this game gets a kudos from me. Yes the game was buggy, but the issues I had were never graphics oriented, and never crashed once due to freeze ups, or any issues related to the Unreal Engine.
Sound – I have to say, Turok had the best surround sound environments that I have ever heard in a game. It was very much of the survival horror sound in that I was always on the edge of my seat, and the sounds came from off camera, so to speak, and kept me on edge during all of the outdoor scenes.

Gameplay – Again, nothing bleeding edge here, but neither was Painkiller and that game received much better reviews. The physics and the dinosaur deaths were absolutely perfect…shooting a dino with a bow, watching him slide into the ground, do a nose dive turn, and come back at me only to receive another arrow and then begin thrashing on their back was very well done. The weapons were standard and there was plenty of ammo to go around as well. From the many reviews that I read, I was expecting to just run around a jungle and kill dino's and that's it. Far from it…Turok had many facets to its levels and I thought they did a nice job of mixing it up. Extra bonus goes out to the boss's…for me, nothing ever gets old about fighting a T-Rex.

Storyline – Ok, so playing Assasins Creed was beautiful to look at, but after I rescued my 30th citizen to only have the chime out the same boring line was better than Turok? This game had a much better than average storyline and it didn't bog down the game like some do. There were times when the voiceovers got a bit repatative, but no where near the 100 times I heard each line in Assasins Creed.

Did I experience game save issues? Absolutely, but so what…I had to repeat a couple of scenes and quite frankly, they were better the second time. Take away what for me were less than bothersome game save issues, and Turok was a well rounded game.

I hope that this was does go on sale because it will be well worth buying for under $30, and definitely be a fantastic bargain bin game.