Turok is just another FPS wit some realy cool ideas. If they were executed properly it would have been a far better game

User Rating: 7 | Turok PC
Well lets get one thing out right way.. TUROK is not a bad game in any means, neither is it ugly.. Its only that the game feels unfinished in sooo many aspects and thus TUROK finds itself in this mess..

In the story mode u play as Joseph Turok an ex of a black ops squad "Wolf Pack" and now part of the commando team called Whiskey Company. Ur primary aim is to track down Rolnd Kane the chief of the Wolf Pack and turok's old mentor.. In the begining itself the ship in which u were travelling is hit by a missile and the ship explodes into this planet that is inhabbited by dinos.. This is where u get to fight the dinos which is the most interesting part in the game and it never gets old.. Awesome weapons aside, there are other cool interactive moments scattered throughout the game like when ur attacked by a raptor u will be asked to mash a button and if u press the corresponding button that will result in an instant kill which really looks cool.. The story of how Turok ends up in the Whiskey Company is told in small flashbacks which is also interesting but the main prob is that there is no interesting twist in the story.. U will be finishing this game in about 10-12 hrs.. And the game is also pretty easy.. Its not the humans that cause the real prob here its the dinos..

Another problem with this game is that there is no room for exploration and there are many scripted moments that gives game that dated feeling.. Though the weapons at our disposal is really awesome and also feels right.. And the most common but highly ignored weapon in most FPS ie the KNIFE comes in handy in this game.. There are a lot of sleek moves that we can pull out with the knife.. And also the trusted weapon of choice of TUROK also makes an early entry in the game.. And using the bow is also cool..

Grphically TUROK is passable.. The lush green jungle , the blue sky and the dinos iare all well done.. But character animations could have done a bit more job.. The textures are also a bit bland.. And ya the animations of the dinos' are simply superb.. Their reaction is also very very realistic..

The sound of this game really compliments the tone of the game.. There are also some really good sound effects like a grenade blast or machine gun fire.. Its all done well.. Even the noises made by the dinos are cool.. The voice acting is good at times and terrible in some parts.. But the lead voice act is fairly constant throghout the game and also does a good job..

The multiplayer in TUROK is really good compared to its single player campaign.. There is online co-op mode with some descent missions and also max of 16 players can hit the map together in various game modes including team deathmatch, free for all and others.. And ya the real star of TUROK the raptors also make it into the multiplayer thus making it a bit more interesting..

To summerize, TUROK is neither an innovative game nor reinvents the FPS genre.. Its a simple straight forward FPS with lots of dinos to kill.. It does not introduce anything that we haven seen earlier.. Well except the dinos.. With some more exploration this game could have been a lot better.. But with the lush green jungle, some neat sound effects and some superb weapons at hand this game definitely worth a try.. A rental i guess would do but not worth the full amount..

If u can overlook all these minor flaws then u surely have a game that u would enjoy to the core..