Twisted Metal 4, hours upon hours of fun!!, The best Twisted Metal in my opinion, Woot!
User Rating: 10 | Twisted Metal 4 PS
Oh Twisted Metal 4, oh how fun you were back in the day,. This was actually the first Twisted Metal game I actually played. And in my opinion, the best one I've ever played. You know the storyline for this, one so I'm not explaining that. Unlike the GameSpot score of this game, this game isn't good, its fantastic!! Lets start with the gameplay of course, its awesome!! the game plays smoothly, like it should. Controls were perfect, and made for me, unlike Twisted Metal Head On, which they never should of changed them. But anyways controls for this game were exactly what they should be. Now the next thing is the graphics of course, many people said they were dated and blocky, but what did you expect HD graphics for a Ps1 game? no! they exactly what they are supposed to be, and they shouldn't be any better, cause they are fine how they are. One factor I loved about this game was the multiplayer of course, Before the Ps2 came along, I would have friends over and we would usually play Twisted Metal 4 or Crash Bash. Hours upon hours of enjoyment with the multiplayer. Another cool thing in this game was the option to create and customize your own vehicle, which I admit they're wasn't that many choices but it was still a good idea, and I'm glad they put it in there. Twisted Metal 4, the best game of its series, WOOT!!