you cant control your car, graphic is so horrible you cant even see the machine gun and sound is so weak i turn it off !
Yeah the game seems to be a perfect car battle game since like everyone says, well i dont, as a matter of fact its not good at all, okay let me tell you my reasons...
Gameplay: you cant control your car that well or at all, so the gameplay at the begining will be very dificult where most of the time its not a good idea to just hold the acceleration button, and if you hit your car you lose life, then later on you wont be hitting the acceleration button at all ! As for that matter the rest of the gameplay is horrible too. How to destroy ur enemy? well since its everyone vs everyone.. when the game starts you have to have experience or you'll die in less than 2 min, no joke. You can kill them using bombs , machine gun and some other weak horrible weapons u collet through the stage...
Graphics: Oh my god, totaly horrible, and i do mean horrible... see when i started and was pressing everything to see the controls, i didnt realize the machine gun WAS a machine gun at first because of the horrible graphic, i actualy realized because i heard a tiny sound of a machine gun... omg this game is ugly and all the eviroments are too dark, so its totaly crappy!
Sound: horrible, horrible and horrible. your hear some gothic horrible music and in the game your hear like BUM BUM BUM BUM.. WTF IS THAT? oh man its just mean, i sometimes get seriosly mad and turn it off!
Well thats it.. oh yeah this game is without no doudt the most dificult game i haver ever played, and there is no other mode... only battle mode.. wich sucks if you think about it... these guys should have used more creativity since its the only games they do... what a horrible horrible game.. and i dunno way everyone loves it... wayyyyyy too much OVERRATED!