Must Have PS2 Game Period!!!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Twisted Metal: Black PS2
Hey gamers, this is barulez for another game review. We all know the classic Twisted Metal games. The first one came out in 1995 for the Playstation and it defines car combat genre, although with sloppy graphics; you can't tell if that is one of your opponents from far away. Next, the sequel and this time the graphics are better, levels are bigger and you go through different countries from France, Paris to Antarctica and so on. That game shows more life than the first one. The third game turn ugly as 989 studios bought the rights for Twisted Metal and it made it worse. The graphics are awful, level design is uninspired and the sound makes you want to turn the volume off. The fourth one got better but it does have problems as the third TM game. You can play all the bosses but it didnt give me the desire to buy it. After that disaster, Incognito (was Single Trac) came back with a vengeance. They make one of the best games in history, Twisted Metal: Black. When I start the game, the level was big with a lot of interactivity and graphics are to die for. Nothing new with gameplay elements but its strong as it was for TM 1 and 2. Blow things up, destroying your opponents and make mayhem makes this one a keeper. One thing new for Twisted Metal and its an M Mature rating. I say, "huh? Twisted Metal: Black is Mature?" This game is rated M for very good reasons. One- the movies, which I like but have to complete the game with each character to see them, are graphic as a horror movie, next you can hurt the people with execution as well as burn or shot or run over and the language is definitely for adults. Teens, you might want to wait until you are 18. The voice actors did an impressive job for each character. Also, a new element is to unlock characters and levels from certain levels and you can make a choice after you beat the first level. Phew! I think I'm done except Sweet Tooth can turn a robot and I thought that was Awesome. Well, there you have it. Get this game now and you won't be sorry. This is barulez saying, "PEACE OUT!!!"