Twisted Metal: Head On is definately a strange and good approach when trying to determine what games to play on your PSP

User Rating: 7.3 | Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP
Twisted Metal: Head On is the PSP's turn to take a trip down Twisted lane. It is a shrunk down version of the PS2 games. There is nothing really wrong with this game, i just wasn't that entertained by it. Its strangeness is definately one of the things that make this game good. The graphics are great and so is the soundtrack, but the gameplay was suprisingly hard. It makes you use the analog stick as a steerer and a mover, which can get frustrating. And some of the vehicles seem out of place at times. Probably a lot of people will love this game and worship, but im just gonna sit back and watch them do it, saying its only a good game.