Its the true Twisted Metal 3 that everyone wanted to know after the world tour
Sound - This is were it hurts when comes to the soundtrack so what happen to the original composer from World Tour that did the theme music so now its a generic theme song that sucks and the only good song is in that baseball statium that had one licence song from a band name Level but they should at least use more of the soundtrack from Black but oh well at least its not that generic but even Twisted Metal 3 had better songs but what can you do . i give it a 6
Gameplay - Its the same old Twisted Metal but still it aint that bad of a formula since they did fix some of the specials animation like Mr Slam or HammerHead special which gives the game play a nice touch then being just another same old Twisted Metal Game. I give it a 9
Replay Value - Change some specials here and there but what makes you go back like the original World Tour its the endings that now every time you beat story mode your characters ending gets stored so you can watch it over and over agian and its isnt that bad even though Black had the best endings but way much better then what 989 studios made of a mess with in the series. I give it a 10