Let's face it. It's bad, but it's not as bad as we think it is.
There was then Twisted Metal 2 which was double as good as the original because of the fact that it just seemed to do everything better. There were even "advanced attacks" and ending movies. A true success story. SingleTrac.
And then came Twisted Metal III. A game that was called "a discrace" and "a game that wished it could compare to the first two" and a lot more bad things.
Now let's face facts. A: it kept all the missiles, merdurous clowns, and the seemingly insane Calypso. So the stories were cheesy and didn't really have a point... but did they ever? Dissagree with me if you like, but you can't say that Twisted Metal 2 really had a connective storyline. Now all they did in this game is make them more childish. David Jaffe said that "...it was like a 40-year-old trying to be cool... " ummmm... he was right.
But in the end you still have what you used to have except with a better soundtrack and graphics.