Twisted Metal 3 is a plaque on a series of games if ever I've seen one. Try Black or the second one Instead
Well, where to start... Ok, lets start with the story. Just as in past Twisted Metal games, this game has you playing as one of an insane group of drivers, who go around shooting themselves for a single prize. The prize is one wish, given to them by the seemingly all powerful Calypso. Usually, the storlines for Twisted metal games spark my interest, well in this case, IT DIDN'T. The only real story to it is a series of enemies, and then the wish. The wishes themselves are just stupid too. Lets take the Grim Reaper for example (I dare you to beat this game with him btw). When you look under his info section, it says that he's been dishing it out to humanity for too long, and now he wants to take away Calypso's soul from him. Now, when you beat the game with him, you know what The Reaper gets? The soul, of Calypso's shoe! What a stupid ending! It goes that way for almost all of them, so don't even think about it if your looking for a game like what Black was.....
Next off, the voice acting. They use one voice and one voice only in this game, and it's that of Calypso. Then, they decide they would give him terrible lines as well! The nerve! He gives you an intro for each of the levels, and it gets boring after a while. I just can't understand how they could do that. Oh, and renember how in the second game they had slightly different shrieks coming form the cars when you finally managed to kill the guy you were going after. It's gone. The game even has the same male shriek for the cars being driven by girls! Now that wouldn;t be so bad if that wasn't the only thing they ever got to say as the drivers, but the drivers got absolutely no lines, period.
And then, there's the graphics.. oh my god. even for its time this thing was a disaster area (and no that's not cause of the guys gunning for you) The graphics were absoulutely terrible, and the lip syncing for Calypso's lines hardly ever matched up with the actual dialauqe. Calypso himself looks like an overgrown, magical lepricon or something, and that just completely ruins the terrifiying presence he's supposed to have. He's got a green face for crying out loud! And the level designs are extremley reptitive and boring. It was a miracle I was actually able to stand the dang thing! The graphics are terrible for a 1998 game, and makes this game just that much worse.
Also, here comes the big problem, the difficulty level. The first two difficulties are Cream Puff and Twisted Metal, and you could probabally beat them without any trouble. But, for the final difficulty, Pure Laruency, you would have to be a freaking game god (or godess) to win it without cheating. It's seriously that bad for people who aren't that sure of themselves. The enemies are constantly shooting at you, and on levels like London or Tokyo, your likely to find yourself flying around the arena, or being frozen while you slowly watch youself die when there's not a damn thing you can do about it! Even if they're constant shooting doesn't get you, I'm sure that Minion or Primeval will. If by some miracle you finally make it to the final level, then you'd best pack your bags and forget about beating the game because you'd be in for one long fight. The idea on Calypso's blimp is to take down all of the switches around the arena and then destroy the regenorator in the red room on the second level. The problem is that one of these things is hidden behind a wall with a large red sign on it, and likely you won't even realise that's where you should be going! Oh, and did I mention that if you kill one of the guys before you take down the machine, the same enemies come back with all their health back a few seconds later!? Well, I have now. Even if you manage to take down the regenerator, then you have to deal with Calypso's badass head demon, Primeval. He's no pushover. He has the ablility to use any special weapon in the game, and his own special knocks you into the nearest wall whenever it hits you, which will be a lot. this fight can be a bit easier then Minion's if you use the big gaping hole in the front of the blimp's lower level. You can freeze him and try to knock him in, but I recomend playing as someone like Club Kid, Auger, or even Thumper to try and get him falling to his death. The only good thing about the gameplay, is that it gives you some pretty cool weapons to take your enemies down with, such as the defense system for a spaceship in Hanger 18, or the Eye Laser for the Egypt level. Unfortunately, it's not nearly enough to go ahead and buy the game. sorry folks it just isn't.
So, overall, 989 Studios did a terrible job with this game, and I hope they never make another Twisted Metal game in the history of their careers. If you want a good Twisted metal game, go with Twisted Metal Black, which looks to be a promising game (If they made an online version of the thing, it has to be good) and it has a great storyline too. Or, if your willing to search around old used game stores a bit, you can try to find the now rare Twisted Metal 2 game. It's an instant classic and so much better then this one. Don't even waste your time trying to find this one though, cause you'll be wishing you hadn't the second you start playing.