High Potentional but not stand up to it
Very good graphics, not the best out there but still enjoyable;the animations are smooth. Voice acting at some points is a plain joke they hurried the game too much (In Europe its out since November), I ve never seen in my life a game that the voice says something and the subtitles something totally different and unluckily this happens a lot with a certain NPC ( I am not saying more-no spoilers-)
Battle, hmmm, its really enjoyable, at the beginning.... cause after some hours of playing it becomes repetitive and you just want to finish the fight and carry on to the story, I ll agree to anyone that says that in most action-rpg's the fight gets repetitive but in this one it was tiring me at some points extremely much.
The sounds are pretty good, the music decent and the effects really really good. It could have some improvement but not complaints in this area.
The end battle is probably the best part of the game, I don't want to spoil so I ll just say it was as hard as it should be ( I don't remember my self loosing 5 times to the end boss of any game) and you were really feeling that what you fight is really really strong.
Overall this game is good, it could be great really, but its not, at least not yet (maybe a couple of patches, a big expansion will make the deal). Still its enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone that likes western-type Rpgs.