After it wasn't that great, Two Worlds reloads and gets a bomb with Two Worlds 2.
Two Worlds 2 takes the good of its predecessor and adds an awesome and interesting playerworld, an awsome main-questline with many sidequests and a fun multiplayer mode.
GFX: The Graphic isn't that much better but the the blur effect adds much atmosphere to the game. Some of the characters you meet still look not realistic or like a dumbass. Further there aren't THAT many options to create your own character.
Music: Godlike. I absolutely love the Music in Two Worlds 2. It always fits and it's atmospheric.
Controls: Somewhat unpractical. There are many functions on the same key. Space per example let's you talk when walking and jump when running. So it happens quite often that you make the wrong actions accidentely.
Game mechanics: Two Worlds 1 was quite the beginning it was quite difficult sometimes, in the end it was boring as hell because there was no challenge anymore. Two Worlds 2 is a bit more balanced but it still lacks the kick in the end. The alchemy system is interesting, but in fact not really different from the one the first Two Worlds had. The Magic-System is quite special. With Effect, Area and Mod-Cards you can create your own spells and enchantments. I absolutely love the idea, but in the end-game, there are not that many varieties as you may expect. The Crafting-system is somewhat boring, but it's really useful in the's still better than stacking weapons as in Two Worlds 1.
In short: Two Worlds 2 is a very good RPG and is worth playing.