A sad, sad pile of garbage. No free roam, very linear compared to the first. Graphics are nice, but that is about it.
Sadly, that dream didn't come true as I spent $50 bucks only to see that they took away what I love about games like the first Two worlds and Oblivion. Free roam.
You can pretty much think of it like this; you are traveling in a straight line to the end of the game with a few side quests in a town to kill things along the way. That is it. No exploring, no true, random dungeon crawling. Just killing some bandits while progressing the story.
You may ask "What is so bad about that?". Well, the problem is that they hyped the game up to be a huge exploration game with tons of free roam and endless possibilities. They literally set their own game up for major disappointment. To add to the insult, there is a massive land mass that you can't even access on the map to raise your hopes up even further at the start.
I can't even begin to describe how pathetic this company is. Save your money for the next elder scrolls later this year. This game is not worth your time.