Everything an RPG game should be,but nothing more.

User Rating: 7.5 | Two Worlds II PC
The game continues the twoworlds story,you and your sister are in Gandahors castle.It looks like he is trying to perform a ritual with your sister,You run away with the help of some orcs,who are now almost extinct,and go to their prophet.Who tells you that you should find a way to destroy Gandahor.Pretty basic.The game has 4 chapters,each one containing you doing endless works for nothing.Not something special.

Twoworlds 2 is very strong in graphics and physics.Textures and fps is smooth and beautiful.The game also allows you to prform all kinds of changes on the visual settings.However the character design is not the best it could easily be.The main character sprints in a funny and ridicolous way.And sometimes the words being said are now the ones your mouth is moving to say.
Good.But could have been better.

The game has an excellent music.You will enjoy every second of it.Also the enviromental sounds are great and real.But the most awesome part is the voice of the main character who really talks with feelings.Not many games in the history have had such main character voice.

Twoworlds 2 has a balanced gameplay,with many bugs but also with much feautures.Horses in the game are somehow too slow and riding them isn`t very fun since you have to always watch the yellow meter instead of the road and it`s beauties.And they also are a pain in control system.
Character system is pretty routine.You can be a mage,a warrior or a rogue.The game however has various number of skills and spells for each class.
You can also forge and do alchemy.Not bad.
You are however very weak in the beginning of the game.Many creatures will kill you easily with 3 shots.And you have to face endless babboon and cheetah attacks when you travel without a horse.
The game however has a huge,I repeat a HUGE amount of quests.While some are very long,some are very short and give good money and items.The quests usually do not require a large amount of thinking and you just have to retrieve something or kill something to end them.And the game does not give a lot of options to let you change the story.You have limited choices when it comes to killing some people in the game however.
But to the bugs,the gameplay has a lot of them.For example sometimes your horse gets stuck between a tree and a stone next together.Or is unable to reach some pretty solid areas.Or You mght fall down from some short heights and watch a large amount of your health gone!
But most of the bugs will be gone with patching the game.

In the end,Twoworlds 2 is not a game for everyone,Just for those who enjoy RPGs at any conditions,wether it is long running hours to kill a witch or trying to get along with giant ants in the beginning of the game.