Hard? Maybe, Completely sucky? No.
When I first played it, I was let down. I felt betrayed, alot of people spent 60-70 bucks on this game, and it wasn't worth it. I felt that way, but I kept playing and it got somewhat good.
The following points, are what I feel are important, or what is normally badmouthed, but I feel needs to be redeemed. The goods: 1. The world looks good, I don't know why people say it looks like Morrowind, I thought it was just fine. I love the look of the outfit on your character when you talk to someone, very nice.
2. The weapon stacking. I love it. It's much better than carrying around millions of the same piece of equipment.
3. The combat. It's sorta iffy at first, but once you learn how to backjump before they attack, its good. (Even if it is tenacious) 4. The storyline. I havn't gotten very far yet, but so far, the story seems somewhat interesting.
5. The loading times. Sure, in Oblivion it wouldn't "stop" then load, like it does in Two worlds, but it's an acceptable amount of seconds. And you can normally go into buildings without that 10-30 second load time.
The following, is what grinds my gears.
The bads:
1. Voice acting. Everyone thinks this is horrible. The 200+ voice actors was a good idea, but having them talk, without much emotion and strange emphasis in the weirdest places, isn't the best, but it's still better than hearing the same 10 voices over and over.
2. The map. I hate the map, this is probably Two World's worst quality. It dosn't tell you anything. The lack of the name of the city's is what really steams me. In quest I need to know which city is what. Which brings me to my next point.
3. The quest indicators. It's very horrible. Maybe I am just spoiled from Oblivions quest guides, but this isn't very good. You have to keep checking your map constantly to see if your going in the right place, since it dosn't have the "map marker" (And the minimap is pretty useless for quest anyway, so thats not helpful.) and since you can't see the names of the cities, you can't "memorize" what is where.
4.The quest journal. I only played Morrowind for a few minutes, but if I'm not mistaken, the quest journal is like that, but worse. On my tv anyway (It's not HD) The quest description looks like the end of the page in a book were the crease is. The words seem to disappear the more to the right it goes, making reading them a strain. Which makes me think, the game is hard, since you have to keep looking where you are going, and try to figure out where is where.
Overall, I think it's a pretty okay game. The only quirks I really have about it is the map, and quest guide, But other than that, any other fault I find is acceptable.
I think it deserves a 7.5, out of 10.