You must get past the problems to see the potential.

User Rating: 7.5 | Two Worlds X360
I have always been one with seeing the good in games. I thought predator was pretty good, True Crime had amazing graphics and funny gameplay to make up for it's spreadshot bugs and glitches. Spiderman-3 is fun if you know how to play it right, and this is no exception. I start the game uot with small text on the main menu, which obviously means that this game was designed for HD sets, probably 720p with the resolution. I click new game, and begin to customize my character. The level of customization isn't huge, due to the fact that you only play as a human male. So I finish customizing his look, and press A....wait...what happened to customizing skills? Oh I think I had to press RT to flip pages (maybe not, I never attempted a second try). So the first thing I see is I hooded man, who I assume to be evil, and a girl riding on horseback, who falls. It turns out the man is me. Then the voice acting comes in. Honestly, Southpeak could definately have buffered this game up a notch by increasing the quality of the voice actors. It was overdramatic, but it was funny to hear their serious voices, which have no definite difference from their comedy voices. I see my self in a cavern after skipping the badly voiced cutscene. I started that I cannot walk, which I find to be a bit dissapointing, that means that they could have rush some animations. then I unsheath my sword...and begin walking. Animations aren't put together well, so I just end up running with my sword in my hand. I see a young grom, and begin to attack. Even though you can jump back to avoid damage, you cannot block. Watch out for this. So I kill them, take there stuff, while all the while straining my eyes to see everything the inventory screen has to offer (too much). I then continued my quest to find myself knowing a dream - There is lots of stuff in this game to be had. Much of it is named, but there are a lot of weapons and armor to choose from, ranging from color, to type. I also found myself liking the combine system. I got a horse, and that confused me. Warning: Do not attempt to run the horse into a wall. I don't know if this is weird AI, or just to avoid clipping, but the horse will end up turning in a direction you do not want it to go. So you must back up, and try it again, Try using a horse in a small entrance. The enemies are near impossible in numbers due to the fact that you can get heavily damaged if you don't jump back at the right time, and if you're surrounded, you're screwed. Don't be fooled, this game can be fun. I sometimes managed to sweep my ragdolled adversaries aside like dolls when I fight, and the effect is quite humorous. The quests are hard to get to, though, due to the world being huge and there being no teleport system unless you activate it. There is a lot of bugs in this game, and swimming plain sucks. This is the only thin I hate. Swimming. Sucks. If you're swimming toward the camera you can actually see the ripples behind the hero...through him as if he was transparent only to the ripples. The combat isn't bad, Although it can get repetetive. Oblivion Killer? Not a chance. give Oblivion a better 3rd person gameplay system, and it blows Two Worlds out of the water. However, this won't happen to Oblivion at least, so we must wait until Elder Scrolls V in 5 years or so. This game gets a 7.5 because it has real potential behind it's various bugs glitches, and total burnouts.