Now playing: Elder Gothic Gate 4: Champions of Imitation

User Rating: 3 | Two Worlds X360
Good lord where to start. Take a little bit of everything from Gothic, Elder Scrolls, Baldurs, etc. and mash it all together until you've got a pretty subpar game. It's got the bad graphics of Gothic 3 (not to mention the same wildlife). Your area isn't even loaded until after you've passed it by and sometimes I was running in an open field and suddenly I was being attacked. The game seems to glitch anytime you unlock an acheivement. Nothing major - but enough to be annoying.The character models are so below the standards of the time you've got to wonder why this didn't come out on the original xbox. The voice acting is wooden and the writing is worse. The map/mission menu makes me long for the unmoded Oblivion interface. It's almost impossible to navigate it. After a couple of hours I just had to give up. The inventory from Norath/Baldurs Gate and is fairly easy to deal with if not a little cumbersome. The alchemy portion is annoying and cumbersome. The combat was just poorly done and the magic seems almost impossible to use in combat. You can't cast while moving. You can't whistle for your horse while running. I couldn't seem to attack from horseback either - which was a big selling point. Running around was tedious. I couldn't teleport with my horse. So much went wrong here, it's not funny. I failed to run into a single female character the entire time I was giving this game a try. The main quest is apprently an attempt at saving the last living woman in the world. Everything just felt so pointless in this game. And I tried to like it. Because I want a game like this. And I want it to succeed. But I guess I'll have to wait for the next company to try an RPG set in olden times.

I can't stress how disappointed I was in this game enough.