Oh man stay away..

User Rating: 4.5 | Two Worlds X360
Wow where to begin. Well I did kind of have my hopes up for this game, mainly because of the multiplayer aspect. I was at the mall and happened to stop into the game store and noticed it on the shelf, I didn't know it had come out yet, haven't really been following games too much lately. So I bought it. CRAP. I'm returning it tomorrow.

If you have read any other review thus far then you have heard of the abysmal framerate. It's true. The game is so choppy its rediculous. I'm not sure why it is because the graphics certainly aren't making the 360 break a sweat by any means, the graphics look bad. Making a character is more of a burden than a pleasure, the creation system is just not very deep. You can see your guy on the left side of the screen in a strange overbearing light that blocks out most of the features you are trying to customize. Only thing you can do is zoom in on his face where then you can kind of see the hairdo before picking it, but if you rotate left or right half of your character is out of frame. You just can't view from any angle except far away or only the front of the face. Cutscenes are very low quality. Not just because the voice acting is awful and uninspired.

Only saving grace left could be the combat, but that fails too. The controls are simple enough but you can't do any action without standing still. You have to stand still before you can attack, use magic, or heal. Very annoying since you have to look directly at an enemy and be right up against them to be able to hit them. Don't bother with a bow either, it takes 5 seconds just to draw the string back. You have to stop and be facing in the direction of your enemy before you can push the attack button or it won't respond. How nimble. Animations seem to be missing, everything is very clunky.

I couldn't bear the game any more after 20 minutes. I really tried to give it a chance but it just feels like the game is only 60% completed. I'd like to think that a patch could fix the frame rate and graphics issues to help the game out, but my copy will be out of my hands long before that happens. I wouldn't say the game is overhyped, it's just dissapointing.