Two Worlds is an Excellent game, that to play, the player has to stand a couple hours of bad pacing.

User Rating: 5 | Two Worlds X360
Two Worlds, the so called Oblivion killer, in my opinion, suceeded in it's goal. This game reminds a lot like WoW, and Oblivion, but i like it better for many reasons. First, the combat is really smooth and a lot better than Oblivion, it sort of reminds me of Prince of Persia type fighting. Second, the Mounted Combat/riding is unique, and instead of controlling the Horse, you control the human, who is controlling the horse. Last but not least, is the magic system, a card based system that uses booster cards and the five classes of magic : Earth Fire wind water and Necromancy. The biginning hour and a half to two hours feels really wierd after just being tossed into this game. But after that, the game provides a long, fun, and adventurous journey.


100% Accurate.