Giving this game a second chance, recently re bought for cheap. How did things go.....?????
Controls can be awkward at times, keeping your horse on the path can be difficult at times especially when you get tangled in some trees or on a hill.
I think the biggest strong point in this game is the freedom it gives you with character progression. Most games in this setting make you go down certain paths as far as you character goes. Which stinks cause the it is always hard to choose what type of character you are cause you are stuck with it the rest of the game. Being a warrior is fun but maybe not so fun half way through the game. This game allows you to level up anything in any order you choose. So you can be a mage wielding a two handed sword in full heavy armor, or a necromancer with an halberd. It makes leveling up even more satisfying.
I think if fans of this genre would enjoy playing this game. If you can manage to over look the bugginess and not focus so much on the sub par graphics then you are in for a surprisingly refreshing game.