Despite technical flaws, a surprisingly fun game!

User Rating: 7.5 | Two Worlds X360
I heard all of the complaints about how 'bad' this game is, but I still played it. I can see where people are coming from, especially if they had high expectation. Personally, I haven't had any framerate issues, just the typical wolf running on a cave ceiling, or a hovering rabbit. I was disappointed with the customizable options of your characters physical features, but I found myself in so much armor that it didn't matter after awhile. There are a ton of armor, weapons, spells, etc. I do like stacking items atop each other to improve their stats. So if you have two heavy grom sheilds, you can combine them to make a new and improved heavy grom sheild. Adding elemnts to items are helpful as well. The stoyline is pretty basic, but I definately don't care about it. I find myself solving hilarious or challening sidequest more than progressing the storyline. Exploring the world is entertaining enough for me. It's a huge world, containing more creatures than the Elder Scrolls game. Personally, I prefer this game over Oblivion. I know I will probably get bored with Two Worlds after awhile, just like I do with the Elder Scrolls games, but I find Two Worlds to be more entertaining than Oblivion. So far I haven't had a good experience with the multiplayer. I find it hard to stay connected to the server,granted I don't have a superior internet connection. I see really good potential for the multiplayer if the connectivity issues can be resolved. Two Worlds doesn't really bring anything mind blowing to the table, but it still satisfies the hunger in my stomach. Overall, I believe this game to be something that is underappreciated for what it is. If you feel like playing this game, but don't want a long term relationship, at least rent it. I feel it is worth playing for any rpg fan.